“your life story” kind of…

Not quite ma’habocath’s life story — several key differences this one doesn’t want to get into — but this anonymous post still hits too close to home for comfort. It is comforting anyway, though, to know that someone, somewhere, gets what it is to be a complete screwup even if the little details don’t quite match. Continue reading ““your life story” kind of…”

the razor’s edge (1984)


He had everything and wanted nothing. He learned that he had nothing and wanted everything. He saved the world and then it shattered. The path to enlightenment is as sharp and narrow as a razor’s edge.

The Razor’s Edge is a straightforward showing of basic Hindu/Buddhist beliefs about self and life’s journey expressed in ways even Westerners can kinda-sorta get. If you don’t like bittersweet, ambiguous endings that leave the viewer with a hundred questions with no right answers, stay away. One could call this film “cerebral”, but in this one’s opinion it’s much more… well, whatever word is equivalent but for the intuition of your heart/soul/whatever — you don’t think what the underlying message is or what the story means, you feel.

memory hole: bizarre, terrifying 90’s home videos (the weird side of youtube)

Memory Hole is straight from the deepest depths of The Weird Side Of YouTube, one of ma’habocath’s favorite places on the modern-day Internet. Expect this one to drag back more magnificent monstrosities for you all to be utterly weirded-out by.

Continue reading “memory hole: bizarre, terrifying 90’s home videos (the weird side of youtube)”

is fat killing you or sugar?


IMO neither:

It’s cheap, chem-lab-synthesized, poor-quality-controlled, addictive-additive-laced fats and sugars and everything else we put in our mouths and on our skin, and a whole lot of them, everywhere.

There’s nothing inherently wrong with, for example, the ground beef in restaurants. It’s when they’re injected with >20 unpronounceable ingredients that turns fast food burgers toxic. And it’s all in the name of saving a few pennies here and there, and I’m willing to bet getting people addicted to their junk so billionaire executives (behind the food industry, advertisers, hospitals, and medical insurance who profit handsomely off a perpetually sick populace) each get to buy five gold-plated Maseratis this quarter instead of four while billions struggle to make ends meet. {/omg-conspiracy-theorist-kill-it}

too familiar

Ow, right in the stuff:

>will always have to have a job or end up freezing on the streets in winter, fighting for a bunk at a shelter with Harry the Heroin Hobo
>you don’t wanna be homeless in my area
>will never get to be a NEET again, mother is fucking crazy and neither of us could abide my living there for long
>could spend all my waking hours on something cool like learning a bunch of shit
>instead have to keep it to one day a week due to work schedules
>only have a couple hours to myself on workdays, too tired to do much
>try anyway, post on 8ch between things for a break
>people ask me why I don’t have someone special in my life yet
>when I say I just wanna save up enough to pay my bills with enough time and money left over to do shit I like they look at me with this confused look or give a generic “cool” then silence
>then “so, did you watch that sports game?”
>I did not watch the sports game
>if I share shit I’m learning about, making, or reading in conversation it peters off awkwardly into silence before Bob and Susan start talking about how little Timmy threw his spinach mash at the wall for the 400th time, “ooooh how cuuute”
>I don’t find it interesting at all, kids are on a sliding scale from neutral-relatable to fucking annoying, loud shit factories
>only way to keep a convo going is to ask how their families are doing even if I don’t care too much, try to care for their sake since it makes them happy
>don’t get the same courtesy
>this will continue until I die

I just want a beast of a computer a la SEL, a fuckton of time to read all my books and maybe work on some DIY projects. If I could rout decent internet into the woods, I’d build a cabin away from them all and fucking do it. I know how to hunt and skin shit, build shelters, fire, and so on. As it is, too many of my interests are tied to tech. Think my feels are pretty mild compared to some other people.