who wants to answer a 370-question psyche test?

MMPI-2, find out your major malfunction.


Just paste the text in wordpad or notepad and “save as” with a ‘.html’ file extension, open the page, take the test, and post your results below. Here are mine (and no I have no idea what any of this means): Continue reading “who wants to answer a 370-question psyche test?”

dialing back the ‘cringe-purge’ just a little

I TRIED to mostly get away from cringy weeb stuff, but some music is just too good to get away from.

guess I can keep a few albums around so long as the singer sounds like a woman and not a little girl (eg Aoi EirAya Uchida) or at least has a few songs good enough to overlook a youthful voice (eg Yui Makino), AND the album doesn’t have a cartoon cover or is too cutesy/poppy so nobody needs to know that a particular singer is also an anime voice actress and/or has done a few anime theme/credit song and/or character songs. =) Continue reading “dialing back the ‘cringe-purge’ just a little”

clarifying the whole violence and passion in music thing

Pt 2.

Thought I should clarify the whole musical themes/lyrics/etc about violence and lust a bit more as I was jotting down the above in a hurry so I could get to bed. That and it’s so much fun to not have a giant pile of chores to divvy up across the next week and just chillax in front of my computer for a good two to four hours image-viewing and navel-gazing like the good ol’ days. =)

I’m not judging anyone elses’ tastes when I say the likes of “anime is cringe”, only how I personally feel about such things. Like when that housekeeper came over last week, I felt the need to take down and hide those posters of Rin and Alicia and to hide my Umi figma, etc. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back: even if it’s silly of me, if I’m that embarrassed of something, I need to get rid of it. Best for Right/Perfect Speech, too. Continue reading “clarifying the whole violence and passion in music thing”

cringe purge upon some old stuff!

Pt 1.

Anything to do with anime; be it toys, posters, or CD’s; are going bye-bye just like my handful of Mighty Thor stuff. The latter went to my dad and the former is going to my new otaku friend — anything she doesn’t want… well, this stuff seems too good to go to Goodwill, but there are local resale shops in town I could probably drop these off to. Doesn’t seem right to give $90 figma to Goodwill! Continue reading “cringe purge upon some old stuff!”


In regards to this one’s Cringe Purge, ma’habocath has crossed off a bunch of gift ideas pending “review”; once this one has about four to six hours to himself (which may not be weeks or months!!) he will go over his musical playlists with a magnifying glass and self-reflecting whether or not this triggers negative emotions within him like anger, violence, lust, desire, etc.

Furthermore, again in regards to the Cringe Purge and when this one has some time to sit and chillax, he will make a new blog; would take much less time to start fresh than to go back over hundreds of posts with a magnifying glass to axe all the posts about anime and other inanity. Nevermind screw all that, easier to just keep posting here.

Finally, please no more books, he’s got more than enough to last this lifetime!!

He’s got a lot of work to do. Thank you all!