ma’habocath does not like numbers, money, credit…

ma’habocath does not wish to be your typical “geek” and spew rage all over the Internet, but this one must get this off his furry chest.

This one is your stereotypical artsy-fartsy “pretentious writer”-type. This one’s thoughts are in the form of color and sound; there are neither words nor numbers up in here. He especially does not have a head for money.

While ma’hab has been able to learn a great many things by Googling it — learning a new language, starting the health-n-fitness lifestyle, taught himself how to write HTML in middle school (late 90’s) and other odd computer stuff like sending email via Telnet, even getting some experience in video editing and 3D modeling, “understanding” more spirituality in a year than people who’ve been religious their entire lives… Continue reading “ma’habocath does not like numbers, money, credit…”