spotted: japanese schoolgirls. for real.

Biking to work, ma’hab saw Japanese schoolgirls waiting at the bus stop. No joke, literal Japanese schoolgirls. And dressed just like they were in anime: knee-high socks with skirts even in winter and everything else; this one imagined the k-ON! girls’ winter uniforms. They couldn’t have been any older than 12. Passing by, this one even heard them speaking Japanese with each other.

It was a surreal few moments. For the next several minutes this one wondered if he had hallucinated the whole thing.

copied from ma’hab’s progress diary on sweat4health

Progress report: not good.

• Only exercise I’ve been doing is daily rotisseries (even if I’m finally back up to 25-lb crunches and 10-lb side-planks), and every 2-4 days pushups or pullups mostly because my lower-back is either already sore or on the verge of tweaking and I’m afraid of doing anything to risk it. So basically only my legs (biking: >=40 mile/wk @ 2-4 hr/wk) and waist are getting any real work; forever stick-arms. 😦

• Been doing poorly in my Japanese studies: barely understand even basic grammar, and keep screwing up in my WaniKani studies.

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